Google Oauth2 Using Postman

The higlighted fields need to be filledup for successful Postman setup. Img 1 Img 2 Callback URL: Auth URL: Access Token URL: Client ID: This is OAuth2 client ID from Google Cloud Console Client Secret: OAuth2 client secret Scope: (For Google Calendar. All Google Api scopes... [Read More]
Tags: OAuth2.0 Api

Useful Zsh Commands

Brew Installation Adding brew to the path in MAC echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc Downloading Brew ``` /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” [Read More]
Tags: bash zsh

Longest Palindromic Substring

Finding the longest palindrome in the string RACECAR. A cell (i, j) corresponds to a substring S[i…j] . For example, cell (1, 5) corresponds to Substring RACEC. The table will be filled by filling each cell in a row starting from the bottom row and then moving to the next... [Read More]

Hosting Gatsbyjs Website On Github Pages

Take the gasbyjs gatsbyjs boilerplate page and host it using github pages with custom domain. Website will be live on prefix.domain. In my case Dev Environment: NPM, Mac Terminal, Git Install NPM from here [Read More]